Monday, December 10, 2012

cnn e day warship encoun

Mount sudden attack a rifle at the small caliber, use NATO system the formula play, single hair, three hair order to shoot and connect to shoot shot.
Military officer use of is cleverly made SCK66 typeseses are 9 millimeters of tommy guns, this kind of tommy gun use Pa pulls the shell Lu Mu's pistol to play and play box 30 hair, the effective artillery range is 200 meters.This that day soldier self-defence forces often fully equips and have a liking for Japanese devil have already completely abandonned they at two war in 38 types and 99 type rifles of extensive use.
I issue order that all of all Japan's Imperial Army's corpses drag along sandy beach, totally 200 have more corpse heap to become knoll similar.I climb ascend the landing stage watching from a distance of side tower, use to attack by surprise a taking aim at of gun's mirror toward the ocean observation, the combat of sea's seeming to be also has been already ended, from a distance sea surface up, three landing barges set alight flaming wildfire ……
I say to the brothers of underneath:"Light fire, burn down the corpse of devil, the sea water that rises tide in the morning will bring back their cremated ashes old house in Japan!"The brotherses joys calls to pour gasoline up the corpse heap ordered, momentary the whole sea beach blazing flame rose Teng, bright like daytime!

The 12th flood and field especially fights chapter 78 heartily hi for a while
Renew time:2010-12-114:48:15 chapter word numbers:2514

Chapter 78 heartily hi for a while (Everyone in person kiss consumedly, in July monthly ticket war Feng smoke again rise!If you are VIP to hire by the month a customer, so you had a few monthly tickets, snow wolf begged you and threw the monthly ticket to the An, you order my book page of that ordering is then a monthly ticket for a while, there are several pieces ordering several bottoms.Your monthly ticket is the power that we renew!Snow wolf thanks politely!!!)
Midnight, the sea surface combat also ended, the day warship encounters serious wound and finally got away from entwining of cluster speed boat with general wolf and in flurry flees elsewhere toward harbor direction in Nagasaki, on the result pitch dark sea surface suddenly again come out to ten armed speed boats, the day warship doesn't dare to love a war and shoots a few guided missiles, three speed boats of force are sunk by the shot, beat very small cannon boat with the expensive guided missile, absolutely is a hand grenade deep-fried mosquito.
Force after all naval battle experience shortage, confused have already shot torpedo to withdraw.Seven speed boats of force returning to a black Sha island is already an after midnight, everyone comes together in the base restaurant, I force to Wang An Shui and together the young tiger did introduction:"The captain force of private tall ship that is me, we have an islet in the north, ha ha."
Wang An Shui shakes hands a way with force:"Later everyone was all brothers that is an on board!Come, wine beauty, get to black Sha island is the day of heaven sort, the brotherses live and die together, help each other!"
Eyes of force looking at me, I ha ha a say with smile:"Force brothers, from now on, we will be one family with black Sha, I am two elder brothers of black Sha meeting now, you are my armed escort long!Ha ha, force, you haven't played Japan skill Ji, elder brother Biao, call some skill Jis to go along with my brotherses!"
"Good Lei!From beautiful son,Facebook, call 20 female dancers to add to the fun!"Together young tiger to wait upon Wang An Shui in the another part of from beautiful sub- order way.
Wang An Shui holds one altar son the wine come over, the in front that goes toward force consistent way:"Brothers, you are two elder brothers' under charges, was the person of black Sha meeting from now on, came, I did with you up one cup!"
Force hands an embrace a boxing way:"Thank eldest brother!The younger brother force is necessarily to be loyal to eldest brother, two elder brothers, three elder brothers!Be loyal to a black Sha meeting!"
"Ha ha ha ha!Good!Please drink this cup to join partnership wine!"Wang An Shui poured an inferior win in person, the right hand pulled out one very clear bayonet of chasing, the left hand Zuan lives once the knife blade pull, the left hand every drop answers to leave front-line blood, and the ground falls in the wine bowl.
He hands over to the force the bayonet, force even the eyelids didn't blink and as usual also used left hand Zuan knife blade, pull up a front-line blood, the drop entered a wine bowl.
"Come!Brothers!Toast!"Wang An Shui started to carry blood wine to drink an one mouthful first by himself/herself, the hands passed to the force, the force connected to come over one Yang Bo to keep on doing, will empty bowl of to once the ground fall off and call a way:"Is great!Eldest brother, from now on, the younger brother is sweet to is a dog horse!"
Wang An Shui ha ha on smiling, say to me:"Two elder brothers ah, this force of yours brothers is quite good, force, don't know to reside which group of islands now?Have the war ship the brothers how much?"
This is Wang An Shui's intention, his drinking blood wine with force is for the sake of the words of set force.The force shakes a way:"Eldest brother, the younger brother begs for a life in an islet of north, the under charge No.110 brothers, more than ten machine round, ha ha, the small dozen is small to make!"
"?I will calculate as well for 78 years in the black Sha and take a waters to come and go here, I how haven't heard that northern side's hasing you force is this tall ship?Two elder brothers, say so you at heel the beard Ba in the sky before and not is what friendly intercourse travel at the company of deer island and Zhe north?"The doubt of one face of Wang An Shui asks a way.
I ha ha a say with smile:"Eldest brother!You feel that a company's trip will be like me thus abhor evil like deadly foe to the Kou in day?, Is come by the sisters of beautiful son, everyone heartily hi for a while!"
The female dancers in time, turned conversation to new direction a while, music voice suddenly rises,cnn, 20 female dancers are lightly moving to dance.I start to carry wine cup and say to Wang An Shui:"Eldest brother, I this brothers completely independent Guan, wander about in the north of Yellow sea, I want to return his person, Ma Chuan Ting, to the black Sha now will, not know the meaning of eldest brother how?"
"Good, I am to want to strengthen us the real strenght of the black Sha meeting, now black Sha will of the real strenght is too weak, originally of key part all that day originally wave the person guard, 23100 wave person and the boat mountain of the beard Ba in the sky fleet all have no, leave more than 100 persons of the black Sha fleet of my under charge in the island now, so big black Sha island, 100 people basically guard not to live, two elder brothers, make person's horse of force brothers come over, we again recruit some New appointees, strengthen black Sha meeting!"Wang An Shui pulls my hand to say.
I start to carry a wine cup heel Wang An Shui and together the young tiger did and said:"Black Sha will at our brothers three hands in, will definitely different from past of, go, these hereafter chat again, come, see my brothers, that productive, the eye pupil sons all drop into the Niangs of Bo neckband inside, don't jump, that who, force brothers, tonight literally you, the fully enjoy plays!"
The man's natural character revelation of force entirely, very anxious to charge forward right away.Together the young tiger receives the misses to come over, one person is two, this helps miss enthusiasm generous, active Sao wave, the small buxom beauty of my the left side hugs on coming up me to press a rightness of full Jiaos leis on my shoulder, the stretching hand of the right side drew back my trousers chain and stretched into snow-white small hand plump soldier trousers inside.
The force of flank embraced a miss to sit two hands on own Kua to copy into the kimono of the miss inside, I smiled, just meant to say point what, the small buxom beauty stuck to come up kissed my lips ……
Connect down whole is to commit tomfoolery, I feel my own N year has never touched a woman, originally thought Masako is at the Chuan body up vent to wear, but still have been having no opportunity, result she made the other people give to ascend, oneself still put to run her, wanted was getting more regrettable.
These are two also quite good, how say also all that day originally little girl!Want the time of two wars the devil humiliates a Chinese chemisette matter son, I immediately rise the mental state that the Teng gets up revenge.
One pole the big gun played to open, two Japanese little girls shouted loudly for the Ao Ao right away ……
Early in the morning on the second day, I am tired to get a waist of the sour leg is painful, climb a to see, still bind on the big bed four only the Mao pull the miss of Chi, dare feeling I am the belly that sleeps Ji at a heap of skill this night up, no wonder that sleep very tiredly.
I jump down a big bed, walked into bathroom to flush and made the brothers of under charge send back the Ji building to those skill Jis to go.Come downstairs to arrive at an outside, I just discover, here be still my No.2 villa.
I am stretching a lazy waist, intend to eat some breakfast in restaurant, a brothers runs to come over to say:"Two elder brothers, the eldest brother makes you go to No.1 the villa occupy!"
I followed that brothers to arrive at a foot of a hill under of the rock house of the 3 F,google, Block 1 floor Gao, door before stop two fierce horses, 45 brotherses of black dresses take AK tommy gun to stand in front of the door, the atmosphere is a bit different.
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